CRank: 5Score: 13260

It could have a 2 hour campaign
Be 520p visuals
1 new game mode only playable if your name is David
AND come on 3 discs.........

But the fact of the matter is that the gameplay of Halo,especially the online multiplayer IS second to none - CoD obviously is a decent,enjoyable blast also.

This IS the sort of game that you always want to have 'one more go' in matchmaking with - even though you've been on it for hours.

Haters please...

5366d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

"If so, "would you kindly" give some "= brilliant game" and "= jaw dropping experience" games this console generation. And please state your reasons why... "

Well to me Oblivion would be a brilliant game this gen - the size and scope of the game is huge,sure it had a few bugs but all in all its a 9/10 from me

LOTR BFME2 would be a brilliant game also, single player is pretty good but online multiplayer,for me at least is wo...

5366d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They always tell it how they see it - even if it ruffles feathers in the process : see also EDGE

5367d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

1 = serious dont buy
2 = majorly flawed
3 = only for fans of the genre at a push
4 = below average
7 = good game
8 = very good game
9 = brilliant game
10 = jaw dropping experience

So would you guys buy a 'very good game'?
i know i would............

5367d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"i've never been able to get 1080p output on component cables with my 360, and Microsoft support was never able to figure it out."

You can get 1080p output through component but only if your tv excepts this.
Some Sammy's and Sony's do but alot of t.v's dont so people use HDMI as its more 'universal' for want of a better word!

5367d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thus if any site were to give ODST a perfect review it would be them would it not?

So from this we can pretty much conclude that Microsoft don't bribe sites for 'good review scores'.........

Perhaps, just perhaps, some people like playing games that others dont and vice versa - this might be reflected in their overall score - wow what a concept...

I will be giving my own score to this after a decent play through too!

5367d ago 17 agree10 disagreeView comment

It's seems to me that alot of people are bitter about ODST's review scores and potential sales figures.

This is,they believe,unacceptable because ODST is 'just' an expansion.

But what IS an expansion?

If a sequel has the same graphics (possibily slightly improved) same layout,weapons and 'feel' to it then arent all games,not including new I.P's expansions at heart.

Isnt Gears2 an expansion?
Isnt Fifa a constant expansion - bea...

5367d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

People are voting with their wallets again.

Apparently you can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time.

Well this is the 4th Halo fps and still people are lapping it up,its still selling in the millions;

So logically Halo IS a top FPS
Halo is a decent game/series of games.

Well done Bungie - awesome devs :)

5367d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

5 hour campaign - which will be replayed alleast once more
MULTIPLAYER - i havent got any of the map packs for Halo3 so this will consume days of my time online - (i clocked in about 3000 games online for Halo2)
All for £29.99 (in england) = Bargain
If value is classed as hours played on a game then im gonna be in for a treat.
Expand away!

Off topic - Altough Killzone et all are nice FPS's - its Halo that
has the game mechanice pretty m...

5367d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

A proper title for the article would be 'Why Uncharted 2 is so awesome' - no need to mention the 360 at all.

In fact HHG thrives on titles that play off one console against the other - it's guaranteed responses (this is my first time replying to a HHG article)

He is playing alot of people and doing it well - to the more mature gamer such as myself though he is very transparent - which is a shame because he has a good deal of enthusasim

Im still wai...

5371d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

7 or under = a majority of people on this site will scream "flop" and revert to form
8 - 9 = IGN were just playing it safe,they didnt want to be seen as fanboys themselves
9+ = OMG i cant believe it,MS must have bribed IGN yet again for a decent score.

The above WILL be the remarks of anti-360 gamers on this site.

Just remember IGN/1up/Gamepro all gave KILLZONE2 scores of 9's and 10's - so labeling them a 'biased review site' doesnt cut it...

5371d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

If the reviewer had actually played the game and wasnt so belittling towards the game then his review score would hold more weight.

Unfortunately his review lacks so much professionalism it's laughable

Im still waiting for the IGN's/Gamespot's/EDGE's of the world to deliver their verdict.

Either way if the game is on par with Halo3 then im a happy gamer
Already pre-ordered too!

5373d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"So as an armchair designer what would you have put into a train level that would spice things up? I'd like to hear your design ideas for reference. Let's hear you contribute something worthwhile instead of 3 paragraphs of whine. "

Well how about a time limit where you have to get to the end real quick - this coupled with destructible boxes/crates - some that are higher than head height to obscure your vision and make you wonder whats up spend to long...

5382d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It didnt make me excited or make me go 'wow' once.

The graphics (especially the textures on the train) were very poor.

The train level at the end of Gears1 trumps this.

Just my two cents - hopefully the full game will deliver :)

5382d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Very political but well done nonetheless

AND they used the word 'Deployed' - always a mark of greatness ;)

5384d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1 Halo awesome level design (level 2 :) )
2 Halo 3
3 Halo 2

1 Halo 2 awesome maps (lockout,headlong,ascension)
2 Halo 3
3 Halo

ODST sure has potential that for certain

Side note; Halo Wars is nowhere near as good a RTS as LOTR BFME2 or the Command n Conquers.........just for completeness is all ;)

5384d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Forza 3/Halo ODST with elite bundle for 299 would be epic

Slowing down Sony though? - im not so sure.

5387d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

6.1 - Dude
"PS3's rate is over 10% as well, thats not so hot either."

ANY electronic device with a failure rate over 5% isn't right - just to clarify, not hating on any company in particular,just hate being shortchanged/ripped off/injustice in general.........

5387d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sure MS stuck extended warranties out to cover itself (and cost itself massively too) but correct me if im wrong - isnt 3.5% the 'excepted' for electronic malfunctions.

If it wasn't for my love of its exclusive gems then i wouldnt bat an eyelid in buying a 'rival' console.

Wake up MS, this Gen you got lucky - next Gen, there will be NO second chance.

Happy Gaming all :)

5387d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

I think Forza3 is in with a decent shout.........its doing so much up to an extremely high standard - certainly it should be in the running anyways?

5389d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment